Recognition Award by the Governor of Punjab

The president UK Pakistan Business Chamber was conferred with a prestigious “Recognition Award” by the Governor of Punjab, Pakistan.

The president of UK Pakistan Business Chamber Sardar Hayat was honoured and privileged to receive a “Recognition Award” for his remarkable achievements in business sector throughout the Globe and in particular in Pakistan by Chowdhary Sarwar, the Governor of Punjab, Pakistan.

Sardar Hayat has been conferred with several international awards including the Excellence Award (Jaiza-Tul-Imtiaz) for his outstanding services in the education sector.

Sardar Hayat in his press briefing said;
“Success comes with sheer handwork, dedication and passion; it can never be a coincidence. You cannot be successful unless you are passionate about your success. And by passionate I mean consistently passionate, not only during your good times but more importantly on the not so good times when passion is needed the most. I went through lots of good and lots of really bad times in my life but one thing I never gave up was my passion to be successful”.

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