Delegation from UK Pakistan Business Chamber exclusively meets the High Commissioner Pakistan, His Excellency Mr Nafees Zakaria
A full PowerPoint presentation followed by UK Pakistan Business Chamber introductory videos were presented to The High Commissioner and his panel by Miss Gillian Wilson and Mr Mark Evans.
At the end of the presentation the High Commissioner asked several questions with reference to the Rising Pakistan Project, Universal Care Foundation and the UK-Pakistan Property Expo.
High Commissioner appreciated the overwhelming passion of the president of the UK Pakistan Business Chamber Mr Sardar Hayat in raising awareness about the positive attributes of Pakistan and his persistent efforts in transforming the international community’s perception about Pakistan.
Mr Hayat said, “As Pakistan grows and transforms into a Global Entity”, many overseas Pakistanis are now looking back not only for a lucrative investment opportunity but also to build a family home back in Pakistan” IBETNETWORK.COM.
Mr Hayat further added, “We have been tirelessly working on positive narrative building of Pakistan. We completely understand that in order to change the future of Pakistan we must first change people’s perception about Pakistan and introduce them to the NEW PAKISTAN”.
Delegation presented His Excellency with a “Shield of Honour” and a cheque of £14100 donation towards the Prime Minster Imran Khan’s appeal for funds.